United Electric Announcements – June 2023

Office Closure

United Electric will be closed Tuesday, July 4, in observance of Independence Day. There will be a crew on call in case of emergencies. The emergency crew can be reached at (208) 679-4444.

Call 811 Before You Dig

Summer is a great time to start any outdoor projects you have been thinking about. Whether you’re building your dream deck, installing a fence or sprucing up your landscaping, calling 811 is a must. Although it is easy to see where power lines are located above ground, there are underground gas, water and electrical lines you cannot see. Call 811 at least 2 business days before your project. Local utilities will come by and mark the location of the lines in the area you plan on digging.

Don’t guess where lines are located. Calling 811 is completely free. If a utility line is damaged while digging, it could disrupt service to an entire neighborhood, cause serious injuries or death, and cost money in repairs and fines. You can visit the Dig Line website, and submit an online locate request.

Lions’ Recycle for Sight

Do you have a pair of old, unused eyeglasses? Consider donating them to help individuals who need corrective glasses but are unable to afford them. A Lions collection box is located just inside our foyer. This program collects hearing aids as well.

Thank you to co-op members who have contributed to the Lions’ Recycle for Sight program.


The Trade-A-Tree program helps members remove trees from areas where they could pose a hazard to primary high voltage overhead power lines. The aim is to replace taller trees with shorter trees that will not grow up into the lines. For each tree that is removed, United Electric will reimburse up to $50 of the cost of the replacement tree as long as it fits within guidelines.

Check our website or call the office at (208) 679-2222 to find out how you can participate in the Trade-A-Tree program.